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Ball Rolling for Fascia Release with Susannah van der Wende

1.5 hour workshop
All Levels

Join Susannah for this workshop to discover your body’s myofascial meridians combining Tom Myers's Anatomy Trains and Jill Miller’s Roll Model® Method.

You will learn easy and effective ball rolling techniques to deeply massage the muscle tissue, break up knots, and improve mobility. These self-care massage techniques relieve chronic pain, release tension, reduce stress, and improve posture, athletic performance and overall health. Prepare to experience immediate benefits and walk away from this class feeling rejuvenated and renewed. And best of all, you will be empowered to continue this self care practice at home!

"Yoga Tune-up" balls will be available to borrow, or you may purchase a set in our Studio boutique.

COST: $35

November 28

Thanksgiving Day Donation Class with Nancy Covell

December 14

Holiday Open House